Page name: Chav Scum! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-08 22:03:17
Last author: sam_moo
Owner: sam_moo
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Chavs are horrible and if you agree with that then join this wiki because this wiki was made because of something that happeend to two of my mates. Infact two of my good mates. It really really annoyed me so I've made this wiki in aid for anyone who hates chavs, rudes etc. to join and show their hatred of chavs and all scum like that.

Spread the word about Chav Scum! to every one that you know an' persuade them to join!



Chav related topics by [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea] that you must Look at.

Chav Index

The Haters:

1)[sam_moo]- CHAV SCUM!!!
3)[Piccolo Sorcio]-
4)[Billie Joe Newman]- I fuckin' hate the bastards!
5)[adieu]- I hate them so much!
6)[Kiss This]- I could kill them after what happened..
7)[*I'm ready to take your 666 in my heart*]- DIE!!!!!! ARGHHHHHH
8)[|-(!)Mr Fratelli(!)¬]- DIE CHAVVY SCUM CRAP... Hold up Dan's above me.... Hey how's it goin'...:p
9)[Tamel]- Aldramelt (my dragon) and I will burn those chavs to fuck!!!
10)[Make Out Kid♥™!]- they're all wankers!!!!! And it happend to two of the nicest guys aswell!
11)[Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea] HEHE Stuck under Laura. --- Chavs are the lesser-peasants of Britain!
12)[HowseR] Why wasn't I informed? Tomorow night I'm going to kick the shit into every chav I see in a drunken rampage. Probably wake up with knife wounds ahwell fun though.
13)[xROZx] Chavs are twats :-P
14)[Appetite for Destruction] To me, chavs are like the gum you get stuck to at the cinema....annoying and pointless. SCUM OF THE EARTH!!!!
15)[VIVI1001] DIE CHAV DIE!! *pulls out a axe and stabs them*
17)[swabloo] Urge to hurt chavs... Rising.... *farts* Oops, false alarm ^^;
18)[-Whispered Voices-]
21)[Candy Coated Corpse]
24)[This House Is Erased]

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2005-03-19 [xROZx]: not all of them r nasty

2005-03-19 [sam_moo]: they fuckin r they started on two of my gd mates last nite

2005-03-19 [xROZx]: well the girls are alrite

2005-03-19 [sam_moo]: they can be bitchy at times

2005-03-19 [xROZx]: sumtimes but mostly they r ok

2005-03-19 [sam_moo]: yeah

2005-03-19 [xROZx]: u really h8 them dont u?

2005-03-19 [adieu]: god i hate them so much.last nite sum random chav put a cigarette out on my mates face!

2005-03-19 [xROZx]: thats well sad, kick them

2005-03-19 [sam_moo]: omg

2005-03-19 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Hmm... If I only had a gun..... >> I wanna join XP

2005-03-19 [sam_moo]: join leon join:P

2005-03-19 [Make Out Kid♥™!]: what happend????

2005-03-19 [sam_moo]: a bunch of chavs started on tom caen and sam honey and started kickin the crap into them

2005-03-20 [xROZx]: twats

2005-03-21 [|-(!)Mr Fratelli(!)¬]: tis well mean

2005-03-21 [adieu]: scallys/chavs/ many different names for ppl who r just TWATS!

2005-03-21 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Ever notice theres more names given to the items that are annoying or are hated by most people eg. mongral dogs- bitches.. etc.. With chav its like.. A bazillion- Chav, Pikey, Rude, Townie, Trendy, Fuckers, Wankers, Lesser Peasents of Britain (I made that one up ^^) and many more..

2005-03-21 [sam_moo]: lol:p

2005-03-21 [adieu]: sum ppl live in countries wher they dnt exist!god i wish i ws ther now

2005-03-21 [sam_moo]: yeah i no!! its not fair why cant we just murder them all and get away with it]

2005-03-22 [adieu]: bcos then we wud become like them n thts just horrible 2 think bout

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: yeah point lol

2005-03-22 [xROZx]: yeh m8

2005-03-22 [adieu]: thnk god this world isnt full of chavs.i think i wud rather jump off a tall building

2005-03-22 [xROZx]: me 2

2005-03-22 [adieu]: i live in a city tht is known as chav central!argh!the shame!

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: that must be well horrible:|

2005-03-22 [adieu]: it is trust me!

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: oooh:(

2005-03-22 [xROZx]: yeh

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: grr i hate chavs sooo much

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: i got a song people instead of burn baby burn it can be burn burberry burn

2005-03-22 [adieu]: lmao thts good! i think they hav very uncaring parents who are incapable of buying them pants long enough, so tht they hav 2 pull their socks up over them

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: yeah lol or the fact that wen they so "yeah im solid!!" the yactually mean "yeah im soiled!!" so they have the asocks pulled up to gather the shite lol

2005-03-22 [adieu]: yeh exactly.u wud ave thought burberry or rockport cud of designed sum designer nappies by now!

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: yeah!!! lmao rockports lol!!!! newrocks r way better

2005-03-22 [adieu]: or vans - the ultimate mosher make!im wearin ma vans hoodie right now.rock on!

2005-03-22 [sam_moo]: yay i got some vans black and pink ones i need sum new ones tho so i mite bribe my dad into buyin me some more:P

2005-03-23 [adieu]: we hate chavs, yes we do, we hate chavs, they smell of poo!

2005-03-23 [adieu]: sorry i cudnt help it

2005-03-23 [sam_moo]: lmao thats gettin called scum by this lad

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: >> I'm sure I added my name up there... Where'd it go??

2005-03-23 [sam_moo]: add it again leon:P

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: But I said something really cool- Oh yeah, i remember XD

2005-03-23 [adieu]: u gona write it agen?

2005-03-23 [adieu]: thats true - they r the lesser ones!

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Wahay.

2005-03-23 [adieu]: heya!glad u could make it HowseR!

2005-03-23 [adieu]: but u have 2 be careful tht u ddnt turn into one of those chavs that beats up people for no apparent reason other than to make thme look good

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Howser.. Chavs are pathetic, weak little shits. That get kicks out of saying "your mom" all the time.. Why on earth would you get stab wounds from them? Trust me. They won't do shit. They will threat, but won't..

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Eh, XP when they do beat people, did you ever notice it was those who are too weak to fend themselfs? (tis most of the time.. like people half their size, weight, etc, AGE XD)

2005-03-23 [adieu]: yeh.most annoyin of all is when the male chavs beat up girls!that really annoys me cos thts stooping to the lowest possible level

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Lowest level? XP Have you noticed how they categorize everyone to either being a "charva" or a "mosha" ? Whats with the A thing at the ends anyway? I wonder why they chose to call most people with long hair "smelly moshers" when technicaly "moshers" are the most sanitarized people I know.. Seriously.. Chavs have no brains what-so-ever.....

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: And if they call rockers "smelly".. How comes they are the ones that live on council estates and don't look even remotly clean at all.. (No offensive if you live in a council flat). I'm glad this wiki is here.. I have alot of stuff to let out about these lesser peasants....

2005-03-23 [adieu]: go for it!let it all out!

2005-03-23 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Heh, don't worry, I will... Pick out any small detial about them and I could prolly write a whole book about that thing within time.. A book of hatred that is.. Ah, it relieves me to know that some chavs have turned on their fellows fags and joined the side of the non-smoking, non-beatinguppeople, non-hating people... And most of 'em I know, turned into "moshers" .. God I hate when they class me and my friends as "moshers"... It's like.. Go swallow some bleach and die.. -.-;;

2005-03-23 [adieu]: ok i ll give u a word n u can rant about it.the first word is: BURBERRY

2005-03-24 [xROZx]: yeh i agree 2 anything peeps just sed cause i cant be bothered 2 read all th@ lol

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: woooooh go leon:P

2005-03-24 [big rugby fan]: i love charvs

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Haha.. Right.. Burberry- Wtf is that shit all about? I mean.. You see people with flannel shirts, they're okay, but a mick take of that is burberry.. It looks discusting.. Oh god, the caps.. Are they trying to make the cap fall off their head, cause they always have it at 90 degrees... So fucked..

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Sorry guys.. I'm all outta ranting mood since I got sleep X-x;;;

2005-03-24 [xROZx]: erm yeh

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Okay..

2005-03-24 [xROZx]: some girl chavs r ok sometimes tho

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Sometimes.... :P

2005-03-24 [xROZx]: ;-P

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XP >>;

2005-03-24 [xROZx]: wots th@?

2005-03-24 [adieu]: but chavs girls can also be really bitchy

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: I agree....the ones I know seem to think they run the town and that anybody who doesn't follow their fashion is practically a criminal...yeesh, talk about arrogant...

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: lol i dont like chavs cuz they go round randomly beatin people up for no fackin reason!

2005-03-24 [xROZx]: yesh

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: criminal? Hell, they are the "criinals"

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: Yeah, I totally agree with you Leon. They just don't have time to aquire brain power.

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Oh God.. What if they did? :| I've noticed some are starting to pay attention in class, and are getting better grades than me :o! If they become smart.. The world will end..

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: Holy crap!!!! Please say you're joking!!! If it was true, that's the apocalypse!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Lmao. someone appears to have forgotten their name when adding to the list XD

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: oh dear god.......

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Hooooooooow obvious was that.. XD It was Vivi.. :P

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: Whoops....yeah, I just told Vivi on MSN about it.... :P

2005-03-24 [VIVI1001]: XD opps....

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: So did I.. Fucking beat you. =) Just had to make that stand out. I so totally beat you to it.

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: :S

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: Ah well, who cares?! ^_^ Just as long as there's more fighters against the chavs, I'm happy.

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: exactly!

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Wahay.

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: Eventually the chavs'll die's just a fad that'll be over soon. I hope. :P

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: We all hope >_> We need like..... Dudes and dudettes.. there must be alot more haters out there.. I'ma make this wiki noticed.. >_>

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: yay:P

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: Good idea Leon....maybe we should make a wiki to go with this one to honour the dudes and dudettes of the world. ^_^

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: ... I don't get it =) XP AH YES! Back to getting this wiki noticed.. Lmao. I forgot..

2005-03-24 [Appetite for Destruction]: Well, we could nominate it for the Wiki Awards! That might get it noticed...or maybe not. Lol.... :P

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Nah, I asked people to put it udner the wikis wiki. People are sure to notice it there :)

2005-03-24 [swabloo]: me and my friend were attacked by chavs in school...

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Tell us all about it, my friend... And join us in the hatred for them :)

2005-03-24 [swabloo]: hmm... hows about this quick summary : they attacked us with branches and sticks for no reason, and the teachers have so far done practically nothing.

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Teachers are like that. They suck ass big time... Lmao, nicely done [swabloo] with the whole thing next to yer name.. XD

2005-03-24 [swabloo]: XD it's just something that came to mind.

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XD It's very funny =P

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: we shud expand this wiki and make a massive one bout hatin chavs and that

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Hells yeah. I'm just gonna be hard at work with something.. So for now the wiki is

Under construction

... But can be still used ^_^

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: lol thank yooo leon:D

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Right. *Grabs a pickaxe*.. It's off to work I go XP

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: hi ho hi ho its off to work leon goes:P

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Any better looking on the page??

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Heh, check it out.. Chav Index >_>;

2005-03-24 [sam_moo]: woooh:p

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XP

2005-03-24 [adieu]: heya.u forgot 2 put rockport :P er dirty yucky chavs!

2005-03-24 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Who forgot to put what?

2005-03-25 [xROZx]: mooosage

2005-03-25 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Uh.. wha?

2005-03-25 [Appetite for Destruction]: ??? I'm totally tuned out to what's going on....listening to hippie music on LPs for a while kinda melts your were we talkin about?

2005-03-25 [Make Out Kid♥™!]: add sammy-jos name to this list please!!!!

2005-03-25 [sam_moo]: ok will do:D

2005-03-25 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Way.

2005-03-26 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Oh God.. I was making my way home today in my mums car.. And there was like.. Swarms of chavs, smoking, spitting, and walking like they had a 12 inch dildo shuved up their bee-hinds. Haha, they tried acting like them "badass" rappers off of crappy music channels XP It's weird 'cause they aint been out for a while.. o_o;

2005-03-26 [sam_moo]: lol it makes me laff wen chavs fink they r sooo cool wen they clearly aint

2005-03-26 [adieu]: sorry.i meant that rockport hasnt been put in the chav index.

2005-03-26 [xROZx]: yup

2005-03-26 [sam_moo]: u need to tell leon he is doin all that

2005-03-26 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XP What is rockport?

2005-03-26 [sam_moo]: they r like these crappy boots u can get...kinda a chav mickey take of newrocks but newrocks r sexy rockports arent

2005-03-26 [Appetite for Destruction]: XD Yeah....chavs thinking they're cool is just about the funniest thing on the goddamn planet....

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